
Welcome to www.bulbroots.org! Our site is here to highlight the cultural happenings and in our fantastic city and inform you of just how much is going on in Leicester. You'll find posts about all kinds of cultural events, spotlights on local artists and information about the projects we run with the people of Leicester.
We're proud of our City, after all, together we are Leicester, so please have a click around and see what's what with the city...

Ink This @ The Depot

As some of you may have seen, there was an amazing exhibition held at the LCB Depot by the guys at Ink This, based around the alphabet. 40 individually handcrafted letterforms designed and illustrated by 40 top artists were launched in style with our very own Tanda providing the beats. It was a fantastic exhibition and provided inspiration to all the business residents of the Depot.

Artist participants included Rinzen, the famous Australian collective, OneSideZero, who has been involved since the beginning and designed the flyers, Jamie Cullen, featured in Design Week, and Duster 132, amazing robotic suit illustrator.